Transform Your Real Estate Listings with Stunning Visuals!

Real Estate | AirBNB | Commercial | Vacation Rentals

Serving Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, Kern and Ventura Counties


All Photography Packages Delivered in 24 Hours or Less and Include:

How it Works


  • A shoot typically takes about an hour on-site, with more or less time depending on the sq. footage of the property.

  • The ideal shoot time is when the sun is hitting the front of the exterior for the most pleasing imagery. If your house is facing east, the morning is preferable. If your house is facing west, the afternoon is preferable.

  • Typically between 25-35 photos, but this will vary depending on the sq. footage of the property. Larger properties will require more photos to adequately cover the entire location.

  • Cancellation will not incur any charge, but 24-hours notice is greatly appreciated.

  • You'll be invoiced (via Square Invoice) upon delivery of the image and video previews. You can pay with credit/debit, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Cash App or bank transfer. For new clients, you'll receive watermarked materials until payment is received after which the watermarks will be removed.

    For repeat clients, the process will be the same, but there will be no watermarks on the initial delivery.

  • You'll receive an email with a link containing all photos, videos, customizable marketing materials and a customizable property website. To publish your property website, click on "Media Only" in the website Overview page, then click "Publish Website". The website will be publicly viewable shortly after.

    I can also accommodate other requested delivery methods (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.)
